About the DTx France©


France's leading DTx event!

A one-day conference to understand, discover, share and discuss the growth of Digital Therapies (DTx) in France.

This event, exclusive to France, aims to contribute to the collective development of the digital shift in healthcare, by bringing DTx to the forefront: news and advances, new rules and frameworks, national and international players, experiences, etc.

The "phygital" format of the event will alternate between plenary sessions, discussion forums and networking opportunities. Organised by TechToMed, a consultancy and development firm specialising in e-health since 2018, DTx France© is the 1st French event with international ambitions dedicated to new digital therapies (DTx)!

TechToMed expert in DTx

Find out more about DTx content and training on the TechToMed website!
Article TechToMed - Essor des thérapies digitales ou DTx
Mapping dtx mental
Article TechToMed - Accès au marché en europe des dtx. Importance de l’evidence clinique, des data et role des patients
Infographie TechTomed - Classification des solutions digital health, une nouvelle grille de lecture
Infographie TechToMed - DTx : Le chemin d’obtention d’un remboursement
Article TechToMed - Santé mentale et DTx
Article TechToMed - Digital Health et cardiologie
Interview croisée - Hokla et TechToMed
Podcast - Digital Therapeutics (DTx) : Où en sommes-nous ? et quels défis à relever ?
Tribune - Data Driven Therapeutics : Comment les données peuvent soigner au travers des nouvelles thérapies digitales (Digital Therapeutics ou DTx) ?
Être une DTx en Europe : quels espoirs pour un accès au marché harmonisé ?
Module de formation « Digital Therapeutics »
Over the last 2-3 years, the DTx boom has been confirmed worldwide. Registrations, clinical evidence, multiplication of therapeutic fields...
There are still many questions and challenges in terms of market access, economic model and uses... The aim of this day is to provide an opportunity to update the position of DTx in France in the context of the rapid acceleration of digital healthcare.
Franck Le Meur
Franck Le Meur founder of TechToMed